Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
The SAVE_US.T3 LIVE Christmas Special!!!
Even though SAVE_US.T3 LIVE is in between seasons right now I don't know what kind of show it would be if it didn't have a Christmas Special!!! So, I pulled some strings, called in some favors and got none other than the Christmas legend himself... the iconic... SANTA CLAUS!!!
Santa wasn't quite what I had expected him to be... but it was an honor to get to meet him and share this unique experience with him. So on behalf of The T3 Universe... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
C_LEns: The Columbia Laptop Ensemble
On Dec 2nd, 2011 I saw my brother perform in Columbia College's first ever Laptop Ensemble. It was a fascinating, and most definitely unique experiment in music. Rather than try to explain it myself you can just read the program...
This is an example of the staff the ensemble was reading off of for their performance. This was for the first piece.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Aktar Aktar
Aktar Aktar are an incredible band hailing from Lombard IL. I've had the pleasure of attending many of their shows. They just recently released their second album "Mothershipman", and I highly recommend checking it out. I was fortunate enough to get to hear some of the songs on this album live at a few shows. Songs that I really wished I had a studio recording of, and these guy came through with those and several new ones I haven't heard on "Mothershipman".
They are most definitely friends of The T3 Universe, and you should either head over to Itunes and download the album, or you can give them a listen on Spotify.
Aktar Aktar - Both Young and Wild by Aktar Aktar
Thursday, December 1, 2011
T3 Book Review: "Death Clutch" - Brock Lesnar
On March 17th 2002 professional wrestling history had been made at Wrestlemania 18 when the immortal Hulk Hogan had gone one on one with “The Great One” The Rock. The wrestling world couldn’t imagine anything bigger. Little did they know less than 24 hours later they’d be introduced to “The Next Big Thing” Brock Lesnar.
I remember vividly watching the March 18th, 2002 episode of Monday Night RAW when wrestling promoter, entertainer, and agent Paul Heyman came out, and introduced to the WWE audience his new client who was going to DOMINATE the entire WWE. No one could have known that every prophecy that Paul Heyman foretold would come to fruition.
A former NCAA Division 1 Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar debuted on WWE television at the age of 25 years old. He was a 6 foot 3, 295lbs monster, and an A-1 technical wrestler. From that March straight through to August Brock steamrolled over everyone in his way. There seemed no conceivable way anyone could get through this guy. He won the 2002 King Of The Ring tournament which granted him a title shot in August at WWE’s second biggest PPV of the year “Summerslam”.
It just so happened that “The People’s Champ” The Rock was the current WWE Champion at the time. So the stage was set. The unstoppable monster that was Brock Lesnar versus a seven time WWE Champion. Summerslam! On that night Brock defeated The Rock and became (at the time) the youngest WWE Champion in WWE history.
For exactly 2 years Brock Lesnar was the face of the WWE. He was in the main event of Wrestlemania 19 against Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship in his first year. To my knowledge no one else has accomplished that.
At Wrestlemania 20 Lesnar faced off against Goldberg with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin as the guest referee in what was (in my opinion) possibly the worst Wrestlemania match ever. The next day, just as quickly as he exploded into the WWE… Brock Lesnar was gone.
I was pissed.
As pro wrestling has grown in popularity so have the paychecks, and more and more are getting into the profession for the money. For the majority of it’s existence pro wrestling was not a high paying gig for anyone who wasn’t considered a top level talent.
Brock came in at the right time, had an incredible look/background, made an impact, a lot of money, and ran. I had a hard time with this. I’m sure most people wouldn’t blame him. If he can get in, make a lot of money, and get out without making a lifelong career out of abusing his body… why not?
Up till this trend began most pro wrestlers weren’t in it for the money as much as their passion for the business. You HAD to love it to put yourself through the rigors on your body, and personal life. The money certainly wasn’t worth it. So I took great exception to Brock’s cash grab departure.
Needless to say… My Brock Lesnar poster came down off the wall.
I might care more than I should about this, but I feel like you shouldn’t even step one foot in that squared circle unless you are 100% dedicated and passionate about the business and willing to make the personal sacrifices that come along with it. Like any job you have in life you should be there and do it because you love it. I know I do.
Since he left the WWE he trained, and tried out for the Minnesota Vikings but didn’t make the cut. He did a short pro wrestling stint over in Japan, and then came home and decided to make his move into the world of the UFC.
After Brock had left the WWE in 03’ I had completely turned my back on him. In any interviews I ever saw him in on ESPN regarding his UFC career he came off as an arrogant prick. So I was very torn about whether or not I’d even want to read his autobiography. My detest for him however ended up fueling my intrigue into seeing what the hell his story was.
I was curious to know the details of his story as to why he got into the WWE. Why he left and the details of his life/career since then. I got all of that in this book.
So do I still think Brock is an arrogant prick? Well he certainly isn’t a humble man. He is an athlete, a dedicated competitor, and has a number of undeniably impressive accolades. He’s proud of his accomplishments as well he should be, but he’ll be the first to tell you about them.
I understand Brock’s reasons for leaving the WWE, but those same reasons are why he should never have gotten into it in the first place. He was there for a payday since day one. I don’t respect that.
I still don’t think very much of Brock Lesnar as a person from what I know of him, but as an athlete he is undeniably in a league of his own. I am glad I read this book. It has indeed given me a better understanding of this athletic freak of nature, and what makes him tick. I feel like I got some closure with Brock through this book.
T3 Rating: 4/5
· Incidentally, Paul Heyman who was Brock’s WWE agent, and co-writer of this book needs to write his own autobiography. I’d love to hear his story from him in his own words.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
T3 Music Review: The Smashing Pumpkins "Gish" & "Siamese Dream" Remastered Box Sets
As many know… My favorite band in the world is The Smashing Pumpkins.
After years of their creative property being held legally by their former label, The Smashing Pumpkins have finally regained legal rights to everything and anything Pumpkins.
This has allowed the band the ability to alter/distribute their music as they see fit. They can sell it on their own or give it away for free. The result of this has spawned “The Smashing Pumpkins Record Club" or SPRC which has so far given away five free tracks. These consist of demos, unreleased, and alternate versions of previously recorded material. Even the most hardcore bootlegger may not have some of these tracks, and even if you do, the quality of these “official” releases are way better.
The Pumpkins were also able to get their hands on the original recording session tapes that all of their hit albums were recorded on, updated and remastered all of them. They will all be released spaced out over the next couple of years.
Today was the release of their first 2 albums, “Gish” and “Siamese Dream”.
As someone who has heard both of these albums a billion times over I could tell immediately the difference in quality. I feel like they have a cleaner sound, they’re louder, the drums were brought up more in the mix and rightfully so.
Each album box set was $25 which I think is a steal when you consider what you get for it.
Each album comes with 3 discs.
DISC 1: The original album remastered
DISC 2: Remastered B-sides, unreleased tracks, and demos from the era
DISC 3: A live DVD from The Metro in Chicago from the album’s respective era.
It comes with a lyric book featuring liner notes from Billy Corgan for each song. It also comes with a multitude of cards featuring photos/artwork from that era. All in a CD size cardboard box with a shiny top featuring an alternate color album cover.
They do sell just the remastered album on it’s own for $12 or so, but why not spend $10 more for the rest of it?
If you’re a hardcore fan this is a must have without question. If you’re just starting to get into the Pumpkins the remastered recordings are a great place to start.
There was a lot of hype coming into this release, and I feel the product lived up to it. Next up will be my favorite Pumpkins album “Melon Collie & The Infinite Sadness” and I can’t fuckin’ wait! Unfortunately I’m going to have to as it is not slated to come out till Fall of 12’.
T3 Rating: 5/5... Duh!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
T3's Video Game Review: "Sonic Generations"
It’s been a long time since I’ve bought a video game.
I saw this in the store and was drawn in to the 2D side scroller aspect of the game. I was never a fan of any of the 3D Sonic games. This game is a 50/50 hybrid of the classic 2D Sonic The Hedgehog style, and the 3D Sonic.
Each stage can be played 1 of 2 ways. ACT I which is the 2D version of the level, and ACT II which is the 3D Sonic version. Even having not been a fan of the 3D Sonic games I felt that this game took the best aspects of those games and used them to put together the best possible 3D Sonic experience.
The 2D versions of the levels are great, and in my opinion could be an entire game on it’s own. My personal favorite is The Chemical Plant Zone. So much so, that I love playing both the 2D and 3D versions of it.
Sega did release “Sonic The Hedgehog 4” which was an HD 2D side scroller which was fine, but the side scroller model in Sonic Generations is more refined, and is more of what I’d expect from a 2D side scroller.
The story is simple and not too involved, which given the nature of the game is just fine. I just want to play Sonic and really don’t need an elaborate storyline to go along with it.
You can customize your Sonic in the same way you might customize a car in a racing game. You get to purchase different skills with points you earn in levels and develop “skill sets”.
Speed increases, extra lives, various shields, and other abilities become options for you to equip your Sonic with.
There are tons of side missions and challenges that can open up more of the game to you, and offers plenty of replay value.
Like I said, it’s been a long time since I bought a video game and this was definitely a worthwhile purchase.
T3 Rating: 4/5
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
T3's Book Review: "Toxic Parents" - Dr. Susan Forward
Aside from autobiographies I enjoy reading books on psychology as well. I suppose it’s an attempt to try to understand myself, and who I am. I also feel like it allows me to better understand the clients I train. Understanding other people’s mindsets and perspectives is an overlooked area of my line of work. To really be able to help someone I feel you need to try to put yourself in their shoes the best you can.
Toxic Parents was a book that was recommended to me by someone who is familiar with the circumstances of my relationships with both of my parents respectively.
I found it not only insightful as someone who feels they are the product of “toxic parents”, but I also felt it offers some great ideas and principles on parenting; things that I’d be more aware of should I get to be a parent myself someday.
The term “Toxic Parents” as used in this book encompasses parents who are neglectful, overbearing, physically/sexually/mentally abusive, alcoholics/drug users, and more.
The author Dr. Susan Forward talks about how parents’ behavior shapes you as a person, and how to find your own identity in spite of their influence. Confronting parents, coping with the loss of parents with whom you may have unresolved issues with, and learning to let go if need be.
I found this book to be very well written, enlightening, and can honestly say that I have without regret utilized lessons learned from this book in my own life.
T3 Rating 5/5
Monday, November 21, 2011
T3's Book Review: "Absolute Mayhem" - Monica Mayhem
I really enjoy autobiographies. As I’m currently in the midst of releasing my own they are very inspiring to me. While generally I read a lot of pro wrestler autobiographies I decided to go a different route this time, and read one about a porn star who performs under the name of Monica Mayhem.
Monica is (in this man’s opinion) is a very attractive Welsh girl who was raised in Australia by an abusive alcoholic mother.
I know… this sounds like the beginning of every porn star’s story. The abused child, messed up, and got into porn.
I found her story to be more than that. While that type of scenario is definitely stereo-typical for girls in the porn industry; hearing the details and steps that took her from a neglectful and lonely upbringing to a full blown American porn star is much more fascinating than you might think. I actually found that I could relate to her very well. Though I've had much different experiences in my own life, their effects on me and my outlook of the world are very much in line with Monica's. I think relating to her as much as I did drew me into the book all the more.
Monica tells the story of how she went from being very successful in the world of high finance working for Smith-Barney to filming 3 ways, featured strip shows, a role in the “Sex In The City” movie, and inevitably writing this book.
Monica writes about the monthly anxieties of awaiting her monthly STD test results, dating fellow co-stars, the effect of her profession on her personal relationships, her practice of the Wiccan religion, her dreams of being a rock star, and her future in mainstream acting roles.
I found it to be an interesting insight into the life of someone who made pornography her career, the business itself, it’s inner workings, and all of the social/physical/psychological trials and tribulations that come along with porn stardom.
T3 RATING: 4/5
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Evolution Of The T3 Universe
So the T3-TV Facebook page has officially become The T3 Universe Facebook page. Between my T3-TV video antics, the SAVE_US.T3 LIVE show, T3-RADIO, and everything else that I’m involved in it’s near impossible for me to have facebook pages for all of them.
So I’ve officially housed them all under the umbrella of The T3 Universe. This blog is the center of said universe, but all of it’s facebook action was taking place on the T3-TV FB which is really only one piece of it all. So if you’ve noticed that you had LIKED T3-TV and now suddenly LIKE The T3 Universe… that’s why.
The Twitter account has also been changed to the new name as well. I’m pretty sure this will be the final format change to this ongoing experiment. Anything I do from here on in will fall under the umbrella of The T3 Universe.
Links to both the Facebook and Twitter accounts are available at the top of this blog.
I have no life… So I had to create my own Universe.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friends Of The T3 Universe
You may have noticed if you’ve scrolled all the way to the bottom of this page on the lower right hand side is a list of links to other pages. These are all friends of the T3 Universe. I thought I’d take a moment to call your attention to them and give you some FRESH SHIT to check out!
Professor Kliq (AKA Mike Else) is my extremely musically talented brother. He is by my best description an electronic composer. His resume of accomplishments is more than I could ever attempt to do justice to. He has composed several original albums, remixes, scores for television documentaries as well as commercials, and has played a significant role in creating various music programs at Columbia College. All of his music is available for FREE DOWNLOAD! So, by all means do go check it out!
My brother was good enough to be my guest on SAVE_US.T3 LIVE, and tells us about how he makes music, as well as how he distributes it in this age of the internet. Check out the episode to meet the kid in the headphones!
File Under Horrible is a site run by two fine gentlemen who go by the names of Bill & Jim. The site is dedicated to the good, the bad, and the horrible in pop culture, entertainment, and tech. The cornerstone of the site is their weekly podcast appropriately titled the FUHCast! Every Monday morning a new episode is unleashed upon the world wide web. As of this post their show is currently nominated in the Annual Podcast Awards for “Best Comedic Podcast”.
I’ve never been much of a podcast or talk radio person myself, but the topics they explore from movies, video games, comic books, the internet, and the latest tech keeps me up to speed on all the things I love but have so little time to indulge in. We’re from the same generation and so I relate greatly to their perspective on all these topics. And oh yeah… they’re pretty funny too. I highly recommend checking out an episode. Their show is available just about anywhere you can find a podcast as well as their site.
I was fortunate enough to get the boys from the FUHCast to join me on SAVE_US.T3 LIVE, so if you’d like to get to meet the men behind the podcast and learn more about it check out their episode!
My boy Quinn Alexander Bayola writes a column called “The Q Report” where he shares his thoughts and commentary on movies, the internet, and pop culture in general. I consider Quinn to be a very intelligent individual. His reports are straight forward, to the point, and pretty goddamned funny too! The Q report is relatively new, but long overdue in my opinion. I’m very glad that he’s taken this up and am looking forward to all the future Q Reports to come!!!
Quinn has been my welcome guest on SAVE_US.T3 LIVE twice! So if you’d like to get to know Q even more check out this episode!
Kung Fu Jonny is an internet web series that has in been in the making for over 2 years now, and filming is officially completed! Starring the talented actor/martial artist Jon Rodriquez it will be available for free to check out as soon as it releases. On a side note my aforementioned brother PROFESSOR KLIQ is scoring the entire series. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to take part in the series myself playing an evil thug named George. I’ll keep the T3 Universe posted as to release dates and such once this epic endeavor officially hits the internet. In the meantime you can check out the trailer for the series on their site at:
You can also learn more about the project, and meet the star in this episode of SAVE_US.T3 LIVE!
Don Thompson has what some may call… a LOVE of beer. For years he’s kept a blog chronicling various brews he’s gathered from around the world and shares his reviews of them. It’s rare that I ever see anyone keep up a blog so consistently for so long so it truly has become a veritable catalog of beer. If you love beer half as much as Don does, or may even be looking for a review of a specific brew there’s a pretty good chance he’s covered it so check it out!
Meet Don and learn more about his love for beer on this episode of SAVE_US.T3 LIVE!
Monday, October 31, 2011
There are three days of the calendar year that I look particularly forward to…
1. My Birthday
2. Wrestlemania
And today… Halloween.
So I thought I would be remiss in not taking a moment to acknowledge this day and some of my personal favorite memories of it.
As a child I of course loved Trick-Or-Treating. I spent my early youth living in Elmhurst which was a great place for Trick-Or-Treating.
I’ve always to this day appreciated homes that really go all out for Halloween. Decorating the yard and the whole house for that one night when the kids came. A well decorated house was usually indicative of a home that’d be giving out some decent candy too. So it was a big score.
Then of course you’d get pissy if you got some candy you didn’t like, or someone would answer the door and tell you they don’t do Halloween; which is a dick move. Don’t give out pennies, or granola bars if you don’t want to participate in Halloween. Don’t be THAT person, and don’t answer your door to explain to kids that you refuse to give them candy.
Anyway I digress…
Then when I moved to Lombard I lived in the Yorktown Apartments/Condo complex on the south end of Lombard. Far from the real “neighborhoods” which were ideal for the traditional Trick-Or-Treating experience, but what we lacked in atmosphere the Yorktown kids made up in volume.
There were on average about 60 units per building with about 8 or so buildings we had access to. Weather was never an issue as we were inside the whole time so we could wear our costumes without coats or any of that shit. Each unit was about 10 feet away from the next so we were able to maximize our candy grabbing efficiency to the point where we’d have to literally stop back home after each building to drop off candy and empty our bags. We’d pull in WAY more candy than most other kids.
There were on average about 60 units per building with about 8 or so buildings we had access to. Weather was never an issue as we were inside the whole time so we could wear our costumes without coats or any of that shit. Each unit was about 10 feet away from the next so we were able to maximize our candy grabbing efficiency to the point where we’d have to literally stop back home after each building to drop off candy and empty our bags. We’d pull in WAY more candy than most other kids.
Eventually our friends started picking up on our little secret and wanted to come with us, and with each year we got more people joining us.
Trick-Or-Treating aside there were of course the horror movie marathons, television specials, and music that added to the holiday.
By the time we had moved out of Yorktown I was “too old” to be Trick-Or-Treating, but I never lost my love of the holiday. The Halloween dances in high school were my favorite to go to. Between the costumes everyone would wear at school that day and at the dance it was always great to see what people would come up with. It was one day where the social classes didn’t seem to matter.
Post H.S from 1999 to present day I’ve had a Halloween party every year.
My apartment has always been very Halloween oriented year round. With the exception of the Christmas season you’ll find orange and purple lights up around my place at any given point in the year, as well as other Halloween decorations.
Like most holidays it’s the spirit of the holiday that fuels my passion for it.
So to all of you out there in The T3 Universe who share my love for the holiday…
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The T3 Universe
Welcome… to The T3 Universe.
This will be home to all of my various creative outlets. From my personal training business, music, art, television, vloging, bloging, as well as any and all future thoughts, rants, and other creative endeavors that are forthcoming.
The T3 Universe is vast and endless. It's comprised not only of myself but all those who are a part of my world. It's a family... a community of creative people that I'm hoping will only grow with each passing day.
I humbly share all of these efforts with you in the hopes you will be educated, entertained, intrigued, or inspired by them.
The T3 Universe is vast and endless. It's comprised not only of myself but all those who are a part of my world. It's a family... a community of creative people that I'm hoping will only grow with each passing day.
I humbly share all of these efforts with you in the hopes you will be educated, entertained, intrigued, or inspired by them.
And so it’s with open arms, and a loving heart I welcome YOU…
To the T3 Universe.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The first movie that ever scared the shit out of me was Poltergeist.
I was 4 or 5.
My parents told me to stay in my room while they watched it.
I didn't listen.
I snuck out of my room... went down the hall... I peered around the corner to see what they were watching.
The first thing I saw was a kid look under his bed, and a clown came out from under the bed... grabbed the kid... and pulled him kicking and screaming underneath. Proceeding to strangle the kid with it's long boa constrictor like arms, as the kid screamed his unheard pleas for help while his mother was in her room oblivious to it all while blow drying her hair.
My parents were like "We told you not to watch this and stay in your room!". They were absolutely right. I should have heeded their fucking advice. Cause I ...WAS... SCARED... SHITLESS!!!
I was 4 or 5.
My parents told me to stay in my room while they watched it.
I didn't listen.
I snuck out of my room... went down the hall... I peered around the corner to see what they were watching.
The first thing I saw was a kid look under his bed, and a clown came out from under the bed... grabbed the kid... and pulled him kicking and screaming underneath. Proceeding to strangle the kid with it's long boa constrictor like arms, as the kid screamed his unheard pleas for help while his mother was in her room oblivious to it all while blow drying her hair.
I lost my shit.
My parents were like "We told you not to watch this and stay in your room!". They were absolutely right. I should have heeded their fucking advice. Cause I ...WAS... SCARED... SHITLESS!!!
So... I of course did not feel that I would be safe in my bed until SOMEONE... other than myself... looked underneath to make sure there were no evil fucking clowns under there ready to drag my ass into some hellish abyss... that I never even knew existed until I saw it on TV.
So... enter my Father.
My Mother tells him to look under my bed. To put my mind at ease so that I would not be keeping them up all night as I sobbed in terror at what may lie underneath my place of slumber I once felt so secure in.
He gets down on the floor...
Gets about half way under the bed and ...
I lost my shit!
While my Father thought this was absolutely hysterical, my Mother felt otherwise...
She was not happy.
Many may wonder if I have an aversion to clowns on account of what might seem like a traumatic experience for a 4 or 5 year old boy.
The answer is no.
I think clowns are awkward, and to some end make me uncomfortable. But I do not fear your average run of the mill party/parade/street clown. I have yet to meet a clown whose ass I didn't think I could kick on the street. So I feel quite safe in the presence of clowns. Generally they're nice to me.
Occasionally even give me a balloon animal :)
The answer is no.
I think clowns are awkward, and to some end make me uncomfortable. But I do not fear your average run of the mill party/parade/street clown. I have yet to meet a clown whose ass I didn't think I could kick on the street. So I feel quite safe in the presence of clowns. Generally they're nice to me.
Occasionally even give me a balloon animal :)
But if I ever look under my bed and one fucking jumps out at me...
I'll most likely lose my shit.
Monday, March 7, 2011
My WWE Collection
My WWE collection started in 2001 when I got hooked on the WWE.
I have over 30 WWE T-shirts along with a few hoodies, long sleeves, and a vintage NWO Starter jacket.
My WWE DVD collection consists of every single Pay-Per-View from 2001 to date, along with "Best Of" collections, and other documentaries. I also picked up the new WWE Rumblers figurines which are seated atop the DVD's currently.
Throughout my place are various PPV posters I've collected over the years... These are what are up right now. I have more, but only so much wall space.
My Championship Title Belts are my pride and joy of my collection. As of right now I only have the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. Someday I'd like to have every belt ever.
The WWE Championship
The World Heavyweight Championship
While my apartment is littered with WWE stuff, but my bathroom is actually the room I have dedicated the most to the WWE. Featuring action figures, posters, and WWE PPV ads from the past decade. All laminated so as to withstand the humidity.
A few points of interest...
I had this made to commemorate Eugene defeating Kurt Angle for his gold medals in his "Kurt Angle Invitational". I have a buddy who is a huge Angle fan, and when this happened I had this made just to piss him off.
I of course must have a Y2J: Chris Jericho action figure...
I have several heavy rubbermaid bins full of WWE, and the now defunct Raw & Smackdown magazines from 2001 to present.
These are all just some highlights of what I have. There is much too much to take pictures of it all. Some things are in storage, and there's a little this and that all over my place... but this gives you the jist of what kind of WWE fan I am.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Paying At The Pump: No Longer Convenient
Paying for gas at the pump in no longer faster or convenient. In fact it’s become less convenient.
They hit you up with so many fucking questions on a slow ass system that you spend 2 minutes standing there answering questions after you swipe your card. I want to swipe it, put gas in my car, and get back on the road. THAT’S convenient.
Instead, you have to tell it debit or credit… wait 20 seconds for it to think about it, enter your zip code… wait some more… car wash?... wait some more… THEN you can start putting gas in your car.
I could take $30 inside, say pump 4 and start pumping my gas in a fraction of the time. No questions… no bullshit.
So, paying at the pump has gone from being a great convenience to a pain in the ass. Especially when you’re standing outside taking this quiz in 9 degree weather.
So fuck it.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Athene's Theory of Everything
One of the things I talk about a lot with my clients is your body's ability to adapt, and how it does so out of it's duty for self preservation. I talk about this, because once you understand how your body works you can understand how to manipulate the variables to your favor.All of these physical changes and adaptations however, start in your brain. So, understanding how your brain works and adapts to your everyday life is valuable knowledge to have as well.
Mental health is crucial. The ability to understand why you are who you are, and how to harness that knowledge for your own betterment is an incredibly empowering tool to have at your side.
My younger brother Mike Else a.k.a. "Professor Kliq", is a fantastic and inspiring musician. He has released several original albums, as well as having recently scored a 12 part mini-series on The Science Channel called "Ever Wondered".
Most recently he was responsible for writing music for a documentary that I found to be an incredible insight into how your brain works, and it's effect on your habits, personality, and your body. I saw small clips of it a couple of months ago while it was all in production, and knew then I'd want to share this with all of you.
I highly recommend watching the whole thing. It really is well done and is incredibly informative.
If you are interested in hearing more of my brother's music you can stream it, or download any of his albums for free from his website at:
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