Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Severe Knee Problems...

Well my right knee is being a problem again already...

This is not good. It's not good to be acting up so early in this portion of the training. If this was happening like 2 weeks out from the show, I would just tough it out... But I have 12 weeks of twice a day intense cardio sessions. Which at this point equates to 162 more times on the stairs.

My knee hurts just walking on it right now, let alone when I'm stomping on the stairs for an hour a day. It's like a burning/cold feeling under the top of my knee cap. Without any health insurance currently, there's not much I can do about it from a medical standpoint.

I'm going to try and start training on the bike instead, and see how my knee responds to that. Like I said, it hurts just walking on it, so I'm still going to feel it on the bike. But if I can do less damage to it, that would help. I can't push it too hard, because like I said... no health insurance, and if I blow my knee out, I'm definitely out of the competition.

In the meantime I'm icing the shit out of it, and still taking my glucosomine....

It sucks, because I'm conditioned now on the stairs. I can handle the workload in every way, other than my knee. Now I'm starting from scratch with the bike... (assuming my knee can handle it), and now to get myself to where I can ride 400 calories in a half hour could take a few weeks... which isn't a lot, but when you've only got 12 weeks to competition time, and need to be burning 800 calories a day in cardio, it's a HUGE setback. If the bike is in fact possible, then I'll have to do it for as long as it takes to get to 400 calories, whether it's 45 minutes or an hour, or whatever.

The only other alternative, is to cut my current calorie intake drastically to make up the difference in cardio... regardless though, I still need to be able to perform some level of cardio. Oh yeah... and let's not forget... LEG DAY!!! Leg press, leg extensions... if I can't do those for the next 12 weeks I'll lose what little quads I have...

This is very depressing... but I'm going to try every way I can to get around this, and make this work. I'm so fucking close to the end of this, I've got to finish it.

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